As part of our social work we started the academy as a way of offering students the opportunity to be part of a team without costing them anything. In Ghana there is often not much for children to do after school and most of the activities here cost money that a lot of the families within our area cannot afford. The academy is open to boys and girls and currently has a focus on football with the plan to expand to other sports in the future. Everything is free to the children and we even supply them with their kits and boots, as well as seasonal events and any additional support them or their families require. We make sure it is as inclusive as possible. All of our students were chosen due to their work ethic, their skills and their school reports. The students must maintain their grades at school and continue attending all of their classes in order to stay at the academy. We visit all of the students homes to ensure the families are involved and support the student to ensure their school report is maintained.
We have been open since July 2021 and already we can see amazing differences in the students. We are excited to continue to see them develop under the incredible leadership of our head coach Ernest (Essien!)
As we expand and start to offer more support to the students, including medical insurance and trips to other towns for games our expenses are growing. Here is where you can help. As little as โฌ5 a month will support a student. If you can’t make monthly payments then we offer one off donations as well. Anything you can give will go directly to supporting these students.
Help us on our way to ensure that all the childrens places in the academy are sponsored.
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Local passionate support staff employed to combat against youth unemployment.
Regular mowing and maintenance of the pitch to allow the teams to train throughout the year.
All kits, training equipment and boots are supplied to the children free of charge.
Transport to regular friendly matches and tournaments across the region.
Providing medical training and supply kits.
Drinking water for the children to keep hydrated in the afternoon heat.
Discount applicable when applying to volunteer during January 2025.
Visit program listing by clicking here.
Offer Code: ST0125