School Support & Teaching Volunteer

We offer flexible teaching support volunteer opportunities within our local Primary and Junior High Schools, we focus on lesson support, tutoring, creative & practical lessons and reading skills.

Location: Abetifi District, Kwahu Mountains, Eastern Region, Ghana
Availability: Year Round
Price: From $85 per week
4 – 52 weeks



Schools we work alongside

4x cheaper

Than other similar organisations


Volunteer rating

Placement Overview

About the placement

We offer placements among all classes of the Ghanaian education system, these cross over Primary, Junior High and Secondary High schools.

Most volunteers will take placements in Primary and Junior High Schools which are based together therefore adding an extra level of flexibility to meet everyones needs. Secondary is usually reserved for qualified individuals as once students have completed this level they are university ready.

Within the schools the basic subjects are taught regularly such as English, Maths, Science, Local Language, Religious & Moral Education. Computing is taught with the best will however usually this is from a text book as most schools don’t have access to a computer or laptop. Creative arts and music again are absolutely adored by the children however due to lack of materials these are mostly read and taught from textbooks.

Why this placement?

Schools in Ghana not only need your help to cope with the growing size of classes, lack of a ‘subsitute’ teacher process but also to bring a fresh approach to lessons which are traditionally very dictation focused. Practicals are not experienced until secondary school and throughout primary schools there is a distinct lack of supplies especially for anything creative arts focused which is adored by the children.
We aim to improve the standard of education in our area by not only providing additional resources of staffing to seriously understaffed and deprived communities, introduction of new and fresh ideas to lessons and their planning but also supplying additional learning materials and books otherwise unavailable.

You should not come expecting for the school to be at a stand still until a volunteer arrives, we are here to enhance and assist not to replace teaching staff. Education is an important factor of Ghanaian life where families circumstances allow them to pursue this so more often than not teachers will be present in their classrooms. Volunteers usually agree to a mix of teaching various classes with their teachers or headmaster. When you are not directly teaching or if this is not where you wish to help, you can be focusing as a teaching assistant/support role helping children that are struggling to keep up and on a one on one basis. The teaching style in our rural area is often dictation focused so it’s easy for children that struggle with english to be left behind.

What is included in this placement?

Support Staff – Accommodation – House Utility Bills – Pre Departure Support

We charge cost price for this project just so we can cover your stay and employ local support staff to increase loyal employment. This placement includes accommodation in a modern style house for the semi rural area of which we are based with great views and surroundings of the local towns and rainforest. All house utilities are included for your time, you will have use of the kitchen, electricity throughout the house and running water which is a luxury among the area of Kwahu. You will have a member of our local support team living in house or close by depending on the volunteer numbers so there is always someone on hand for any questions or support you may need.

How do I get to the placement?

Budget an additional 20 – 60 Ghana cedis per day for transport costs.

We work with a number of schools within the local community and slightly further out. Volunteers will usually take taxis back and forth to their placement site. It is very easy to take shared taxis in town and they are very reasonably priced. Most of our schools will require volunteers to pay transport between 5 cedis and 40 cedis a day, with the average being about 10cedis. The more remote village schools are usually located down tracks and therefore cost a little bit more to reach. Our team will be able to assist volunteers group together for transport and where to find taxis etc. Volunteers are usually able to head off into the town after school easily to shop for food supplies, grab a cold drink or meet up with friends before heading home and the ease of taxis offer a really flexible experience for the volunteers.

What will I be doing?

As a teaching volunteer, depending on the school that you select after your introduction and what you will feel comfortable with, you may be paired up with a teacher to primarily start supporting as a teaching assistant or you may be given a class yourself depending on your experience and confidence. Although the thought of your own class may seem overwhelming at first, the sheer enthusiasm and eagerness to learn of children will be a strong push to spur you on the way. Where you feel that your teacher is a ‘really good example’ and you don’t think you can bring anything to help, this is simply not the case. As we’re sure you’re aware even in developed countries there are teaching assistants and learning support departments to be able to offer an extra hand to those children that struggle especially in Ghana where it can be extremely difficuly for children to learn advanced topics in English which is their second language and a lot of them are not comfortable in using it constantly.
For the younger children basic reading, writing and creative arts lessons are usually required whereas for the older children we advise not only developing the previous skills but breathing new ideas and life into their textbooks. We have a wide range of teaching books and lesson plans within the store room of the volunteer house and we advise volunteers to make use of their free evening and weekend time to plan the following days lessons.
A good example that we seen recently was for a Primary 4 class, aged between 10 – 14 learning the topic of solid, liquid and gas in science. Usually this topic will just be dictated on the board and occasional notes made or exercises completed. However a volunteer seen this upcoming topic in a textbook and planned a cheap and effective practical lesson followed by a poster produced by each child to take home and a board display to not only brighten and improve the classroom but provide continuous learning even for the next class to have use of the room.

Who will I be working with?

If the number permits we aim to group teaching volunteers together at a particular school or project. You will work closely with a teacher and report to the Headteacher should you have any issues. A member of our team will also spend a portion of their day at the project to assist in anyway and offer any guidance should it be needed. Most volunteers strike up a strong bond with the teachers and are treat as another member of staff as if you were always there. It is not uncommon to be invited round their homes for dinner at an early stage as a way of saying thank you.

What do we expect from a volunteer?

A teaching qualification or experience is not compulsory to join on the teaching volunteer placement, your level of experience and confidence will gauge what level of students would best suit and will be discussed between the team and yourself on your first day introduction. The greatest traits of a volunteer are enthusiasm, empathetic and the ability to adjust to alternative cultures. You will get the most of our your trip by opening your mind to new experiences and beliefs whilst also bringing your own to the table.
We expect volunteers to visit their placements Monday – Friday, exceptions can be made for long weekends of travel etc but we hope for the children and yourselves to get the most of your placement this is kept to a minimum.

What can you expect from us?

We will be on hand any time of any day to support you in your placement and trip as a whole. There will always be someone you can speak to or get a hold of should you want to discuss anything or require any guidance, from organising after school clubs to changing your placement. Our team living in the volunteer house will also be able to offer advice regarding travel plans and the local area so you will soon feel at home.

What should I bring?

For your time at the placement we advise bringing plenty of school materials, arts & crafts items and some ideas from teaching resource websites. These will prove invaluable throughout your placement as there is a lack of materials able to purchase in the local area. Basic pens, pencils and cheap paper are available as well as moderate priced photocopying should you wish to bring activity sheets.

What happens during school holidays?

During school holidays if a volunteers assignments falls within these dates then we will organise a holiday school at one of our partner schools. During this time there is a more relaxed setup where volunteers split into groups to run lessons such as arts, English, reading, sports and games. This also has the added benefit of providing parents with childcare during this period whilst they balance their work which is usually farming or trading.
The school holidays usually fall three times a year; few weeks around Easter, few weeks around August and a few weeks around Christmas. Specific term dates are not communicated by local authorities until closer to the time so difficult to tell in advance. Leading up to the vacation, exams may be in place so volunteers can offer an assisting role invigilating, helping out in free times or helping on our other programs.

Typical working day

07:30am – Volunteer transport leaves the volunteer house to project sites
08:00am – School starts
10:30am – 11:00am – Morning Break
12:30pm – 01:00pm – Lunch Break
03:00pm – School closes
03:30pm – Return to volunteer house
03:30pm onwards – Free time

Please note this an example of a schedule. Times vary on different schools and term time.

After school volunteers are free to go shopping in the local markets, return to the volunteer house or visit the local swimming pools.


What’s Included

Dates & Fees

Program fees

Starts from $340 for 4 weeks

Click here to view detailed program fees details


4 week minimum duration – however for our education placements we would suggest 8 weeks and above if possible. This is to ensure that the children and schools involved have enough time for their to be a significant social impact benefit and also to ensure that you have enough time to settle into the local community and appreciate the way of life and customs here. There is no maximum duration and we would suggest staying as long as possible to achieve the biggest social impact possible.


We have volunteers and placements throughout the year, therefore you are welcome to arrive in any month. We are also flexible with being able to arrange airport collections so you are able to arrive on any airline into Kotoka International Airport at any time on any day of the week.

“The hardest part of the trip was saying goodbye, especially to the kids! “

~ Adam McManus / Education Volunteer

My stay in Ghana for 3 months was absolutely amazing, it can be overwhelming at first but the amount of support you receive and the flexibility to do what you feel like benefits the community more is great! The people running the program are hardworking and good people, as well as the locals. I returned home filled with love and warmth, as well so many life skills earned. You can really do some good sustainable work there!

– Elisa Verner Steen (Education / Teaching Volunteer)


Apply Now

Submit your details below and a member of the team will be in touch to get you started with the application process.